The Fifrildi Edda (part3)

by Klairewind


She stands alone facing the precipice, clutching her shoulders as she watches the vast, empty and violent sea. It is midday, but the sky is overcast with the the darkest shade of ebony clouds. The wind bellowing endlessly as it tosses the waters to and fro the rocky facade in where she stands. Inching slowly to the edge of the cliff, she looks at her hand —  a sliver of the broken Mirror of Dreams. She looks at the piece intently with her sad and teary eyes… she then holds the glass over her heart and said a little prayer.  

Then, with all her might, she throws the glass  to the raging waves below…



down it goes…

She watches the mirror descend in midair, as if in slow motion.. it catches a glimpse of the faint sunlight streaming through a tiny hole in the sky before it was consumed by the deep surging turquoise waters… 

And there she still stands, ever silent,  never moving, only a deep sigh and a tear stricken face to unfurl her constricted bosom… 
